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To request a copy of our latest Privacy Policy, please email

For visitors to our website, the following Privacy Policy applies.

We collect anonymous statistics about site visits, such as which pages were viewed
That data is used to help improve our website and does not personally identify you
We take care to keep any information you send us, such as through our forms, safe
We do not request or store any payment details
We do not sell or share any data we receive with anyone
This website is not supported by advertising
Our social sharing tools do not track you on behalf of their respective services


We measure visits to our website using Google Analytics. ​This records what pages you view within our site, how you arrived at our site and some basic information about your device. All of that information is anonymous – so we don’t know who you are.

The information we collect helps us understand what parts of our sites are doing well, how people arrive at our site and so on. Like most websites, we use this information to make our website better.

You can learn more about G​oogle Analytics​ tracking or o​pt out across all websites ​if you wish.


We embed videos from our official YouTube using Y​ouTube’s privacy-enhanced mode.​ This mode may set cookies on your computer once you click on the YouTube video player, but YouTube will not store personally-identifiable cookie information for playbacks of embedded videos using the privacy-enhanced mode.


We use social sharing buttons based on the ​project. Unlike the sharing tools provided by sites like Facebook, these don’t slow down the page load by requesting multiple files and they don’t track you as you browse the web.


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit ​or​

UK law requires us to display a cookie notice when you visit our website. By using our website, you will be deemed to have accepted this privacy policy. You can dismiss the notice at any time.

To find out which cookies we use and why, please refer to the settings in the cookie add-on service.


While you are free to block cookies or other content (such as JavaScript or fonts) using either your browser’s preferences or an additional tool, we do not guarantee that the website will look or behave as intended if you do. If you use a content blocker tool, please consider adding this website to your whitelist.


We may update this privacy policy from time to time, as technologies or our legal obligations change. You can always check this page for the latest version. If you have any questions about this privacy policy free free to contact us.